GE Plot Community Forest
The Realty Plot Tree Committee is an ad hoc group of Realty Plot residents with a common interest in the trees that comprise the Realty Plot urban forest and a recognition that the trees in the Plot are a distinguishing characteristic for the neighborhood. It is the Committee’s aim to promote the preservation, protection and enhancement of this resource.
Notable Trees in the GE Realty Plot
As you walk through the Realty Plot, you are in one of the most densely forested sections of Schenectady. This part of the urban forest is notable for the number of trees in both the lawn between the roadway and the sidewalk (the street lawn) and the lawn in our front and back yards. In addition to the greater than normal number of trees, we also have many different varieties. Within this forest, there are several examples of unique or unusual trees and of trees that have been growing in this location for over a hundred years. Some of these trees are actually older than any of the houses that give our neighborhood its historic character.
This brochure is the first of a series that we hope will introduce you to some of the striking trees in our neighborhood. We hope you will enjoy the opportunity to walk through the Realty Plot and to find the specific examples that we describe here.
Click to download the file: notable_trees_correction.pdf
Mature Street Trees of the GE Realty Plot
This brochure is the second of a series that we have developed to help readers learn more about the urban forest found in our neighborhood. In this brochure, we help you to recognize and identify the mature trees that are growing in the street lawn (the area between the sidewalk and the street).
Click to download the file: mature_street_trees_revised_pdf[858].pdf
Heritage Trees of the GE Realty Plot
This brochure is the third of a series that we have developed to help readers learn more about the urban forest found in our neighborhood.
In this brochure, we help you to recognize and identify the trees that were growing here long before the Realty Plot was developed and
now tower over our houses providing an important visual balance and ambiance to the neighborhood.Click to download the file: pre-plot_trees_pdf[857].pdf